Brayden and Jillian in their new Christmas pajamas

Brayden and Jillian in their new Christmas pajamas

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Jillian's Christmas program went wonderfully! She looked sooo good in her new Christmas dress. Although I might add she looked even better when, standing in the front row, she continued through out the entire program to dig at her underwear. She is not a panyhose girl. Afterwards everyone had cookies and punch except Jillian who instead had me walk around with her so she could stop and let me know when I needed to take a picture of her and one of her friends. Brayden also had a blast at school ( not often that he says that). It was quite wierd though to say "Get up Brayden and get your pajamas on for school". They ate candy, had hot chocolate and even had a ticket to board The Polar Express. When he came home he had brought a bell that they got in school, I aked him if he could hear it and he said yes because I believe (how silly am I?). We also had a birthday party this evening at Pump It Up. We love that place along with Bananas. Now I'm waiting on my last load of laundry to finish so I can lay all of our clothes in piles to be put into our suitcases in the morning. We are leaving tomorrow to visit Buck's mom ,who lives in Alabama, for the weekend. I heard that we might have some bad weather on Monday (the day we are to return). I really hope not, I hate to drive in bad weather. I'll post pictures of Jillian's program and of our trip when we return. Does life ever slow down?

1 comment:

  1. We really should of stopped and talked to each other last year when Logan and Jillian were in the same preschool. We moved him to First Presbyterian (FREE!) this year. 2 other kids from Messiah followed him over there. Have a safe trip!!!
